hey belles! I’m kay!

I’m a certified Life & Luxury Mindset coach. I’m also a native of Washington, D.C. and hold a Masters Degree in the Arts. Outside of helping women, you can find me snapping photos, rescuing/cuddling/spoiling animals, cooking, decorating my home, writing and most often participating in my favorite hobby of all time… laughing & joking.  
Kay Luxe Coaching, LLC was designed with the woman who deserves luxury in mind (Hence, the word “Luxe”). I started off my life as a meek, unproblematic people-pleaser with weak boundaries & a high tolerance for mistreatment. As a result of this way of living, coupled with putting myself last & seeking approval, my mental health had began to take a hit. It became very apparent that I needed to make a change… and quick! 
As a girl who was determined to reinvent herself by any means necessary, my evolvement led to my now transformation into the appointed “Boundary Queen”. I had flipped the script from shy girl to self-assured… and began to thrive in my MAIN CHARACTER energy. My background story includes difficult/hurtful people and various situations throughout my life that have shaped me into the woman that you see today. A woman with a strong sense of confidence & inner security.
Through all of the personal accounts of disappointment and relationship woes encountered along my journey, I’ve strategized ways to elevate while using discernment to create a life of ease & luxury.
My brand exists to help women invest in their joy while doing more of what they desire. Using my happenstances & expertise, I’ll assist you with stepping into a healthier & more intentional lifestyle (improving relationships, nurturing self-development, beautifying your space, being more organized, establishing boundaries, setting & reaching goals, ditching the “Yes-man” mentality, etc.), which results in overall happiness. 
For some women, happiness comes naturally. But for others, they must  make a conscious effort to exercise it like a muscle & invest in it regularly in order to get the best outcome for themselves. My mission is to assist women who are stressed, unorganized, overworked, unfulfilled and/or unhappy in their current situation. I get to the bottom of “Why”! Together, we work on a plan to put an end to the distress & escape the mess. 
The bottom line is that YOU deserve to live your best life. Let this next chapter be called “THE LAP OF LUXURY”. 

My Approach

It’s time to invest in yourself!

Do one (or more) of these sound familiar?:

  • You are tired of living a life that is mundane.

  • You are unmotivated to conquer/reach your goals.

  • You are looking to reinvent yourself & step into your life’s purpose.

  • You struggle with rejection.

  • You struggle with saying “No”/lack boundaries.

  • You sustain one-sided relationships way past their expiration date.

  • You put yourself last & feel ashamed with the thought of putting yourself first.

  • You lack the confidence to speak up for your desires.

  • you have been traumatically impacted by a betrayal.

  • You struggle with decision-making.


  • You need a personalized motivational push to lift your spirits/CHEER YOU ON.

  • you look & feel old.

  • You need an unbiased perspective or opinion regarding an issue THAT you’re facing.

  • You need guidance REGARDING YOUR decision-MAKING.

  • You seek a listening ear, but don’t trust that the people in your life won’t spread your business.

If so, then my coaching model is for you!

Dream it

You can’t do it alone. Let me guide you along the path to creating your best life. My goal is to help you transform the way you participate/ show up in your life journey. Now is the time for a BRAND NEW beginning!

Build it

It’s time to end the self-sabotaging/suffering. It all starts with the right mindset & a plan in order to work! You are your biggest advocate. Let’s make a PLAN!