Out with the old & in with the new

Take a look at your life. I mean, really focus on your current situation. Does it need an upgrade? Better scenery/surroundings? And that goes for people as well as places. If so, then now’s the perfect time! Act on it! Start by making small changes. Is there something or someone that has been dragging you down (and by down, I mean pulling you into the dumps and making you feel less than appreciated)? If so, dump it. Dump them. Drop them off. Their time in your life has expired.

We are only here for a short time so I want you to make it count. You may think you have time, but the harsh reality is that you don’t. Time is dwindling away. I know so many young people who have passed away in these past five years alone. That’s why it is important to make every moment count. It is also why, if you know something is not satisfying you, then it’s time to ditch it! Let this be your sign to do so. You have already sat with it enough. You have ruminated. You have been upset. You have asked yourself, “Why in the world do I put up with this”? So now, be done with it.

Spring is here and it is the perfect time for spring cleaning! Don’t go into the summer time (another season) NOT loving your life. Set yourself up for success. Let this be the year, the month, the week, the day… that you act on it. As my father always says, “Feel the hurt & let it go”. I interpret that as… yes the experience was messed up, but it happened. So now is the time to decide on what’s next in order to make yourself experience joy again.

Re-create your life. We should always be improving. Being stagnant is not living. It’s actually what happens when something is dying. We have to grow and change. As much as I do not like change, I’ve had to force myself to get used to it over the years because it is the one thing that is inevitable. I’ve adapted to accepting change. And so can you.

Change for the better. Upgrade your life. Search for that new job. Join that class. Start that club. Get that certification. Change that pattern. Do that fun activity. Exercise that body. I know the economy is not the best right now, but if you can… buy that house or take that trip. Okay, you know where I’m going with this. Just do the thing. I promise, you will look back and be glad you took the leap of faith.

Because guess what? The time is going to pass anyway? You can either look back and have done something or look back and have done nothing. Either way, you’re going to be looking back. Now which one would make you feel more accomplished and productive in the end? Taking action is the answer.

Homework: 1. Think of one small thing that you can do that is guaranteed to make you feel better. 2. Think of one person who you need to cut-back(limit your contact with) because you are tired of their mess. Now take action. Read, set, GO! Thrive!

Kay Patrice

Life Coach: Thriving Mindset, Author, Influencer & Content Creator.


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